Wednesday, April 7, 2010


My baby Brielle turned two yesterday. I cannot figure out where the time went!!! We haven't done a big celebration yet, her party will be on the 24th since that is my only Saturday that I have off. Josh was in Idaho Falls yesterday for work, so we will probably open gifts today. Unfortunately, she has the stomach flu, so she isn't much in the mood for celebration.
some things that Brielle really likes
  • dancing!!! she loves to dance and will dance to any music that she hears
  • Eating. she loves to eat and isn't as picky as her brother
  • Her big brother. She idolizes him and does everything (or tries) that Camden does!
  • taking her clothes off ( I mean everything including her diaper!)
  • Her Uncle Lance. She went downstairs the other day at my parents house just to be with him and ended up falling asleep.
  • Jumping
  • playing with princesses (which is also one of her favorite words)
  • playing with teasets
  • reading books
  • spending time with family
  • disney cartoons
  • playing with other kids
  • Cake need I say more?

Brielle, you are such a joy in our lives. You are definitely a fire cracker! (That's what Grandma calls you.) We love you so much and a happy that you are in our lives. (pictures to come later)
