Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dalton's Baby Blessing

Dalton in blessing outfit, doesn't he look cute?

The Bennett Grandkids

We blessed Dalton Thanksgiving weekend 11-28-2010. We had all of our immediate family members there except Lance and Krissy. We decided to bless him that weekend so that family didn't have to make two trips down. We appreciate our family for coming and supporting us for our big events even though it was one of the worst snow storms of the year. (Poor Eric and Vickie their van got stuck on our lawn). It was a good weekend all in all though!

Brielle turns 3

My darling beautiful girl is 3 years old today. It is hard to express how much you mean to us in our lives. You are a spunky, vivacious girl who is very determined (dare I say stubborn?) and who definitely keeps us on our toes. You have such a strong spirit about you. You love princesses and are constantly telling mommy and daddy that you are a princess, which you are!! You are a great big sister and take really good care of Dalton. You love to read and are always pulling out books and reading them. You love to dance and I am amazed at the skill and grace that you have for your age. You have a joyous personality and always end up the center of attention. You are very curious and are always figuring things out. You have a great memory. You love your brothers and make sure they know it. You call Camden "Cami" and he is your best friend. We hope that you stay close to him. We love you and are very grateful to have you in our lives. Please stay close to the gospel and your family!!!

Camden is 5

Camden turned five on February 12th. I cannot believe that time has gone by so quickly. Camden you are such a joyful child. You are very easy going and many things give you great happiness. That is such a wonderful quality and I pray that you never lose that. We registered you for Kindergarten last month and that makes me want to cry. Just imagine how it will be when you actually go to Kindergarten. You are also very smart and we are continually amazed at the things that you figure out and most especially the things that you rememeber. You are a very good older brother helping out with Brielle and Dalton. You are a great helper around the house and very mindful. One of the things that I am most proud of you for is your good manners. You are a great student and your teacher (Carolyn Pace) is always saying what a joy you are in her classroom. Your speech is becoming more clear every day and we are proud of you for your determination with that and how hard you are working. You are such a special spirit and we love having you as part of our family!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Getting to know you

Brielle "holding" Dalton

Camden and Dalton


Camden, Dalton, Brielle

Camden and Dalton

Dalton Bryan Stewart

Dalton Bryan Stewart
He looks a lot like his big brother Camden

He has long feet and toes
Cuddling with Mommy minutes after being born

He is lounging in the bed warmer, thinks that feels pretty good.

We want to welcome our new son, Dalton to the family. Just want to document the events involved in his birth. I was feeling a lot of back pain and abdomen pressure on the 13th. I called and talked to Josh because Dr Sanders had told me if I was having back pain or pressure to come in and be checked out. I arrived at the hospital at about 4 o clock and because of my history of "going fast" I ended up staying for about 4 hours. I had a slight change from my 2 1/2 centimeters but only by being 50 % effaced from my Dr's appointment on Oct 8th. I was very discouraged when they sent me home. My wonderful parents offered to take the kids for the night, and I gratefully accepted. It is a good thing that I did. Josh and I went to bed about ten, Josh woke up about midnight, I woke up at one because I was too hot. I couldn't settle down enough to go back to sleep. Around 3 or 3:30 I had a really hard contraction, and about half an hour later had another one. I decided to get up and shower, and my contractions stopped. About 4:00 I started to have contractions again, this time more intensely. I started to walk around to get my contractions to be more consistent, but wasn't having much luck. Finally around 5 they started to come about 7 minutes apart, and because we didn't want a parking lot baby, we headed into the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 6 a.m and they checked me right away, I had advanced to a 3 and was still 50% effaced. They called Dr Sanders and he wanted me to walk laps around the inside of the hospital and see if there was any change after an hour. I started walking around and got nauseated because I was really hungry but didn't dare eat because I didn't want to throw up. After walking some laps I was at a 4 and 70 % effaced. They kept me at that point, even though my contractions had virtually stopped. Dr Sanders came into talk to us and wanted to start me on some pitosin to get my contractions going again and to get them more regular. They started the pitosin at 9 a.m very slowly and told me to let them know when I was ready for my epidural. The contractions started to come more regularly and a lot harder. I told them I was ready for my epidural at 9:30 but they had sent away the anestheologist because I wasn't ready for the epidural so I had to wait for him to come back. When he got to the hospital, they had new trays for them to use and the set up apparently isn't really good because they were having equipment issues. They got everything inserted but when he put a sample dose in I started feeling a lot of pressure and they checked me. I was at a 6 1/2 and 90 %!! Dr. Sanders was watching my monitors from his office across the street and when I got to that point he started running over to the hospital. Three minutes later I felt like I needed to push and they checked me, and I was complete! Dr Sanders came just in time, I had to relax enough that he could get gowned up even though I wanted to push really bad. They got everything set up quickly and with 3 pushes Dalton was out. He had the cord wrapped around his neck twice (Scary!!!!) and there were 2 knots in the cord. Dr Sanders said that he had never seen 2 knots in the cord before and the nurses thought that it was really weird that his vitals signs didn't show that he was having problems. I had him pretty much naturally and felt really good except for shaking a little and tearing. The anestheologist said that he had never seen someone go from a 6 1/2 to complete in three minutes before. We shared a lot of firsts with the staff!!! They allowed Dalton to stay in with us the all day long and the longest he has been away from us was today for testing. He slept mostly through the night, because he was cuddled with me. So far he is a great baby and we are happy that he is part of the family and didn't join us on the 13th! He was 7 lbs 9 oz, 19 1/2 inches long and was born at 10:44 a.m. and doesn't cry hardly at all. Four hours isn't bad!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Camden haircut

This is Camden getting his hair cut a Evans hairstyling college. I just love the sweet expression on his face.

Camden getting his first haircut without mom doing it. He really liked the cute girl that cut his hair.

Wrestling in Summer Games

Josh got the opportunity to wrestle in the summer games this year. He wrestled freestyle the first day, but didn't have anyone in his weight divison, so they let him wrestle the weight class above. In that category there were two guys that he got to wrestle. He ended up losing all of his matches, but he still got the bronze and gold that day. The bronze for coming in third and the gold for being the only one in his weight class. He wrestled a guy who was the coach at Brighton and a kid from Enterprise. The next day, he wrestled folkstyle which is the style they wrestle in highschool. There was another kid in his weight class who signed up that day so they wrestled best of three. Josh lost, but put up a really good fight. The kid he wrestled this time was from Cedar and was a Canyon View kid who was coached by a guy in our ward. He got a silver that day. I am so proud of him having the courage to wrestle after eleven years. I wish I had gotten pictures of his bruises, because he looked like he had been beat up, which he kind of did. He had a black eye and bruises under his arms and bruises on his legs.
The kid from Enterprise
The kid from Enterprise again.

Brielle giving Josh a congratulatory hug.
Brielle and Josh sitting on the mats

Brielle getting in on the action

Josh and the kid from Enterprise again

Josh just after one of his matches, (wanting water)

Josh receiving his silver award.
We had such a good experience with him doing these events and hope that we can do it again next year. Josh made some good friends, and we had a good time visiting with Virginia and my parents.
