Friday, February 12, 2010

Camden turns four today

My sweet boy Camden is turning four-years-old today. As I sit here writing this is hard to know what to feel. I am so happy to see his everyday changes, he is such a big boy in so many ways, but I am also sad because he is no longer a baby. Fortunately, he will always be my baby no matter how big he gets.

Mom and Dad a very proud of you Camden and what a good boy you are. We are proud of how sweet you are to your sister, Brielle, always looking out for her and for mommy and daddy. We are proud of you for how well you are using your words and speaking so well. We love your sweet disposition, kindness, and the way you love to help others, especially daddy and mommy. We love how kind- hearted you are, and how well you mind (most of the time!) You are turning into such a big boy, in many ways more mature than most boys your age.

Camden, you came running into our room this morning (before our alarm went off) so excited because it was your birthday. You cuddled in bed with us for a few minutes. You got to open one present which was a back pack loaded with fishing supplies. You'll open the rest of your gifts at the family party tomorrow when we go bowling. We love you so much!!!!!

Interests: Wall-e, planes, toy story, books, praying, figuring things out, wrestling with daddy, riding bikes, blowing bubbles, being with friends and cousins, spending time with Grandparents, church, sign language, lego star wars, peanut butter sandwiches, movies, Cars, sledding, bowling.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Likes: looking pretty, wearing makeup, having picture taken, being with mom, playing with Camden, asking Okay?, eating, being a big girl, football, jumping, climbing, wrestling with Daddy, brushing teeth, washing hands, taking off her clothes, showering, drinking out of big cups, sleeping with musical seahorse.
Dislikes: Being cold, having a dirty diaper (takes them off)


Likes: peanut butter sandwhiches, disney movies, (especially Wall-e and Toy Story) school, riding the bus to school, milk, lego Star wars on XBox 360 (Watching us play) being at Grandma's and Grandpa's, and Nana and Papa's, riding bikes, going to Primary,baths, swimming, and especially being a big helper amd wrestling with daddy.

Dislikes: Change in his routine.

Some cute random photos

Brielle decided to use my mascara as lipstick

Camden and Grandpa Bennett

Camden and Brielle dancing

Brielle and her uncle Lance

Brielle and Papa

the kids are making tracks out of DVDs

Brielle sleeping in car

Camden "helping" with Grandma's IV when she had MRSA

Brielle loves that camera

Camden using velcro catchers as shoes
Brielle and her 8 month old cousin, Kaytie
Tea anyone?

Camden before school one day

Brielle is "tickling" Camden's head

Camden lost a tooth


and after

Camden had a root that abcess on his front teeth, so we had to get to tooth pulled. (12/11/2009) I thought that it would be a tooth more on the side, so imagine my surprise when they brought him out to me with one of his two front teeth missing. He did really well, but was VERY out of it at first, luckily they told me that he would fight me and wouldn't be able to walk for a while. He was a really good sport about it. We told him he would get to put his tooth under his pillow for the tooth fairy, but then he watched a show where they left a note for the tooth fairy not to take their tooth. For a few days after that, he kept asking to leave a note, so we had to wait until that idea passed.

Christmas (In February?)

My brother Lance and his super cute fiance, Krissy

Camden in his Christmas outfit

Brielle in her Christmas outfit

Whenever anybody would ask Camden what he was getting for Christmas he would say "Wall-e"
He got a remote control Wall-e and that was all he would play with on Christmas day.

Brielle really was happy, just really hungry

One of Brielle's many dolls

Camden, Brielle and Nana

Camden and Brielle with Grandma Bennett, and Nana Stewart opening gifts

This is Camden on Christmas morning, can you tell he is wondering where to start?

This is a picture of Brielle and Camden with Santa, she is more interested in her candy cane than Santa, but at least she wasn't crying!

This year we had a really great Christmas, but as always, it went by too quickly!
