Friday, February 12, 2010

Camden turns four today

My sweet boy Camden is turning four-years-old today. As I sit here writing this is hard to know what to feel. I am so happy to see his everyday changes, he is such a big boy in so many ways, but I am also sad because he is no longer a baby. Fortunately, he will always be my baby no matter how big he gets.

Mom and Dad a very proud of you Camden and what a good boy you are. We are proud of how sweet you are to your sister, Brielle, always looking out for her and for mommy and daddy. We are proud of you for how well you are using your words and speaking so well. We love your sweet disposition, kindness, and the way you love to help others, especially daddy and mommy. We love how kind- hearted you are, and how well you mind (most of the time!) You are turning into such a big boy, in many ways more mature than most boys your age.

Camden, you came running into our room this morning (before our alarm went off) so excited because it was your birthday. You cuddled in bed with us for a few minutes. You got to open one present which was a back pack loaded with fishing supplies. You'll open the rest of your gifts at the family party tomorrow when we go bowling. We love you so much!!!!!

Interests: Wall-e, planes, toy story, books, praying, figuring things out, wrestling with daddy, riding bikes, blowing bubbles, being with friends and cousins, spending time with Grandparents, church, sign language, lego star wars, peanut butter sandwiches, movies, Cars, sledding, bowling.

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