Monday, June 7, 2010

Brielle's second Birthday ( two months too late)

Brielle ready for her second birthday party

Brielle's hairdo for party
Brielle opening gifts

Camden and Briell with kitchenette

Brielle with new sandals

Shoes from Nana and Papa

Camden and Brielle

Brielle opening gifts

Brielle with princess gift

Brielle wrapped in blanket the Grandma made for her.

Brielle "riding" bug pillow

Brielle's birthday cake

Brielle with Josh blowing out candles

Brielle eating her cake and ice cream

Grandma and Grandpa eating cake and ice-cream


Brielle's second birthday party was a lot of fun, Nana came down, and Grandma and Grandpa came out to watch her open presents and eat cake and ice cream. She got a kitchenette with sesame street characters, a doll house, lots of clothes and shoes and a homemade blanket and bug pillow. Thanks everyone for coming to celebrate her special day. We love you Brielle

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