Monday, June 7, 2010

Camden's 4th birthday (four months too late)

Camden got a Lightning McQueen bike from Nana and Papa, a cool car from the Ashby Family and a sprinkler that wiggles when water comes out from Lance and Krissy. He had a really good time turning four. Happy Birthday Camden!!!
Camden and Jessamine

Camden and Jessamine with birthday cake.

Camden, Pollee, Eyana and Nana playing air hockey.

Camden's Birthday cake, made of cupcakes for everyone. It is a Madagascar theme.

Krissy, Lance and Brielle at the party

Nana helping Brielle and Jessamine on the mechical horse. Nana treated everyone to bowling, Thanks Nana!!!

Jacee helping Camden with his turn bowling, since Daddy could only be there for short time.

Aunt Krissy waiting for her turn to bowl

Grandma came to the party, Grandpa did also but managed to avoid the camera.
We went bowling for his party, and Pollee and Jaceeand their family were able to come. This is Jacee, Kyler, and Bracken.
Camden got a V-Motion game console for his Birthday with some games. He LOVES it! He also got a backpack with fishing supplies from mom and dad.

Camden got a crown from his preschool for his birthday. Here he is proudy wearing it.

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